Mainframe Date: Unknown


Still using that same old starting point, as you can see. Sorry for leaving so abruptly last time, Href shut the lights out on us. Listen to me go on as if you are reading these… Anyway. Href is the leader of these Riders. He's not domineering in any way; it's just plain that he's the leader and everyone accepts that. I've never seen anyone challenge him, although I would suppose it's done. Just not in full view of everyone else. They have such a curious social structure here, and I'm still not sure where I fit in. Although, as any fool could see, I don't fit in at all. In fact, I'm not quite sure what exactly these Web Riders are. I suspect that they might be sprites that have degraded from the Web, but I don't want to overstay my welcome by asking.

And truthfully, I don't really want to know the answer, in any case. If they are data sprites that got that way from prolonged exposure to the Net, how long before that happens to me? I probably shouldn't dwell on that. There are enough things to worry about here. I'm needed outside again - have to do my fair share of the work, you know. Oh, I named the Web Creature: Ena.


Web Date: 117 cycles since my arrival


Well, I finally got Href to explain their "days" to me. It's still pretty vague in my mind, but it IS better than just writing "unknown". (A need for a set timeline must be encrypted into our programming, I think.) I never expected that they'd be keeping track of how long I've been here, but it really shouldn't surprise me. They document EVERYTHING. I frankly can't understand any of it - more foreign languages, and it's enough to teach me to SPEAK their tongue - but from what I've gathered, it's very meticulous. I still don't know how time here translates into time in Mainframe. Even with all that's happening to me, I can't help but worry about you all back there. Programming? I would think, partially, but probably because you've all become my family. Pretty sappy thing to say. But what does it matter, really? I should say it sometime; I only regret I didn't say it before I ended up here.

To change the subject, there's some big holiday coming up. My grasp on the language is too poor to let me understand much about what's going on, but it's big. That's for sure. They are incredibly excited about it, more so than I've ever seen them. I keep half expecting one of them to exclaim, "alphanumeric!" None of them do, of course. I wonder if they even have an equivalent of that. It's not for a couple of days, in any case, and I don't know how much time I'll have to write. It sounds like the preparations are quite complicated, but I don't know how much of that they want me to be a part of. I still don't think everyone's accepted me. The more time I spend here, the more I keep thinking I should be looking for a way home. I've asked Href about it, but he's evaded any question I've said. He knows something that he's not telling me, that much is obvious. I wish I could talk to you - any of you. Even Hexadecimal would be a welcome face about now - any one of her many!


Web Date: 121 Cycles


It would appear that even for a newcomer, there is plenty to do! I'm surprised I've had time to logoff, much less write to you. And now… I have the most astounding story to tell you, and I'm not quite sure where to begin. I found out where the Web Riders came from - and what they are. I was right, Dot. They ARE degraded sprites. (And I don't think you can even imagine how I felt when I found out that, Dot. What is going to happen to me if I stay here?) This… holiday… was, from what I can tell, a way of giving thanks to the good fortune that they have survived, no matter how changed. I'm starting to think it's more than physical appearance, Dot. I think that their minds are degrading too - User help me if they ever seen these letters. I only hope they can't read this script. They are sprites, but it almost seems like they have more… barbaric customs than we do. It's not like they are sacrificing anyone to some strange god or something, but… just their actions. I never really noticed it until tonight - if the celebration was indeed at night, it could've been at dawn for all I know - but Href rules these people like a tribe. (See? I didn't *completely* fail my history classes…)

Anyway. Some of the Web Riders are data sprites and some of them - do not laugh, Dot, this is true! - some of them are Game sprites. I am serious! I never knew this, but the Users can input Games through the Web and the Net. Sometimes the connection is lost and the systems supporting it crash or at least power off. That fragments the Games and leaves pieces behind in the Web - the Game sprites, or, on occasion, unfortunate data sprites or binomes that happen to be stuck in the Game at the time. I don't know what happens to the binomes; I haven't seen any yet. And I don't really want to consider the implications of that. The celebration itself was almost fun, despite the disturbing history. There was plenty to eat - one of the only 'feasts' that I've seen them have - and everyone was having quite a lot of fun. Except me. I tried, but… I just don't fit in here. No matter how much they try and get me to join in on their activities, all I can feel is homesick. I'd better logoff, it's late.

